Wednesday, June 8, 2011


Boat race- Each player has 2 cups 3/4 full, 1st person drinks one and same on down the line till the "anchor" or the fifth person drinks both and it heads back down the line to the 1st person. Every person but the "anchor" has to have one hand behind his back. (Bracket style)
Dizzy Bat Race- Each team member must drink one 12oz beer, run to a baseball bat and spin around the bat (8) seven times, then run a short distance to activate the next member. Fastest time wins the


100 Metre Sprint- 20 Cups, Long Table & Stop watch Are Needed. 2 players are required to fill ten 1/2 cups of beer- ON YOUR MARK--- GET SET--- DRINK!!!!

Limbo- Broom- Everytime you Limbo - You have to down a cup of Beer- Play till Someone wins!!

Arm Wrestle Tournament- Two people from opposite teams wrestle but are required to CONTINUOUSLY DRINK while they wrestle!

Beer Javelin- Cocktail sticks, shot glasses & Beer are a MUST- You must make sticks in shot glass- if you miss you Finish your drink!

Battleship- With either bottle cap or shot glass- Person who starts the game must place shot glass or bottle cap in beer glass- Next person must pour beer on the cap or in the shot glass- So on until someone sinks the glass- person who sinks has to Drink the Glass of Beer.

Survivor Flip Cup- We all know how to play. First round is practice. Voting starts after to the losing team. tie will result in a flip off. someone from another team not playing will judge. (Bracket)

Pitcher Chug- Your 2 best players to chug a pitcher the quickest. (timed)

Chugging through a straw(1)- PLayer to finish their beer first through a straw.

and everyones favorite........Beer Pong- will go over the rules day of the event.

3 Points for 1st place.
2 Points for 2nd place.
1 points for 3rd place.
0 points for last place.
*Except for the last event which is worth double points.

Black Diamond Events